Customer Debit Note is used to record an adjustment as additional receivable from your customers. For example, if you made a mistake of understating the selling price for a previously issued invoice, you can create a record using Debit Note in QNE.

To begin, go to the Navigation Pane, Accounts Receivable then choose Debit Notes. Next, click the ‘Add’ button in the upper right to record a new Debit Note form.


In the Customer Debit Note form, select Customer in Customer field. Once selected, the system will automatically display all the default values such as Customer Address, Agent and Term. Input the date of your transaction, then the Reference No. if there is.

Move next to enter the Description, then stated the Reason if the products or transaction is a taxable one. Toggle Tax Inclusive/Exclusive switch option to whichever is applicable for your transaction.

Then in the Details tab below, select the GL Account, input the other details accordingly, then SAVE it.


Click the GL Journals icon to view posting of your transaction.

Click the button Preview on the upper right to view your printable Debit Note.