This is the password from the database engine "Microsoft SQL Server". It is advisable not to change the password if you are not sure what is this password for.

You can have different user name and password to login QNE and which is exclusively the user name and password in QNE only.

if you changed the password in Microsoft SQL Server and forgot the password, you will not be able to access to your data anymore.

However, some of the companies may have their own IT team to maintain the database engine and prefer to have a different password to maintain the database engine.

Below are the steps to change the password:

Step 1: You can change the database password in SQL Management Studio

Step 2:  You can download "SQL Management Studio" from 

Step 3: Install SQL Management Studio

Step 4. Connect to the database using QNE default user name "sa" and password "QnE123!@#"

Step 5. after login to SQL Management Studio, go to Security>Login 

Step 6. Right click the user name 'sa' and select properties 

Step 7. You can now change the password in this properties screen thanks.

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