As per sample below, Transaction only have single posting.

by right should be Debit Purchase, Credit Supplier account.

Note: above issue happen when DB is corrupted/suspect, after repaid by script may caused data loss.


when user internet extremely not stable, caused data posting missing.


run below Script to trace all transaction which have same issue

select sum(Debit) debit,sum(credit) credit, sum(Debit) - sum(credit) variance, DocumentCode, JournalType, string_agg(ARM.Arcode,',') knockoffwithOR, string_agg(APM.APcode, ',') knockoffwithPV

from gltransactions G

left JOIN ARMatched ARM

ON G.DocumentId = ARM.PayForId

left JOIN APMatched APM

ON G.Documentid = APM.PayForId

where G.TransactionDate > '01-Jan-2015'--cut off date

group by documentcode,  JournalType

having sum(Debit) - sum(credit) != 0 

order by JournalType asc

Note: this script with knock off info.


Run below Script to trace all transaction which have same issue, without knock off info.

select sum(Debit) debit,sum(credit) credit, sum(Debit) - sum(credit) variance, DocumentCode, JournalType from gltransactions

where TransactionDate > '01-Jan-2015'--cut off date  

group by documentcode, JournalType 

having sum(Debit) - sum(credit) != 0 

order by JournalType asc