The easy and fast way to Convert Documents into Transactions with AI QuickScan in the Cloud Accounting System and reduce your workload instantly! Learn more.

QuickScan is the AI Module of QCA that uses OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology to detect characters on the uploaded document. 


Currently, conversion of documents are only applicable to Bills and Payment Vouchers.


To convert attachment into a transaction.



Upload File

1. Under Navigation Panel, go to AI Module > QuickScan

2. Click Upload to upload the document to convert.

3. Drag or browse the document to upload then click Submit. Wait until the document has been uploaded.


1. Click the checkbox of the transaction to convert. This will enable the Convert button, then click it.

2. Under QuickScan Details, select which transaction the document will be converted and double check on the details.

In the Details part, notice that the items descriptions are captured and keywords are detected. System has posted the items to the respective GL Account Codes based on the user's Train My QuickScan settings. (click to learn more about Train My QuickScan)

3. At the bottom part of the page, click Convert to Payment Voucher or Convert to Bill depending on user's selection, to convert the document into the respective transaction entry.

4. The uploaded document has been converted to a Bill Entry.