
while install SQL Server may happen Error Occurs ,Rule “Setup account privileges” Failed.

When I clicked on “failed” hyperlink, here is the message. 


If you are running the setup as a local administrator, you require the following user rights for setup to run successfully:

Local Group Policy Object display nameUser right
Backup files and directoriesSeBackupPrivilege
Debug ProgramsSeDebugPrivilege
Manage auditing and security logSeSecurityPrivilege

1. Well, it turns out I don’t have those rights after all so lets grant them, Windows Key+R > Control admintools {Enter}.

Windows Run admintools

2. Launch ‘Local Security Policy’.

local security policy

3. Navigate to Security Settings >Local Policies > User Rights Assignment > Back up files and directories > Add in the user that’s being denied > Apply > OK.

backup files and directories right

4. In the same location locate ‘Manage auditing and security log’ > Add in the user that’s being denied > Apply > OK.

manage auiting and security log right

5. In the same location locate ‘Debug programs’ > Add in the user that’s being denied > Apply > OK.

debug programs right

6. Now try again, (remember if you added a group, you will need to log off and back on again.)

SQL Setup Account privileges