When want to login QNE Optimum, prompt error "Login failed for user 'SA' because the account is currently locked out. The system administrator can unlock it."
How to fix services (eg.QLS, SQL Server QNEBSS, QNEService QSS, Firebird Server) always not auto start with windows problem?
When 'SERVER PC' login QNE Optimum Error Occurs “The connection to database failed. Please contact your system administrator.”
Login prompt error The process cannot access the file ....newcfg because it is being used by another process
When login QnE Optimum and system show QLS Server is out-dated
When User Login Occurs Validation “You don’t have permission to access this application. Please contact your administrators for the windows application access”
Optimum-Cannot run QNE program prompt error 'The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect'
How to Ping Server ?
Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\QnE Business\Bin\ModelAssembly.dll' or one of its dependencies
Cannot open QNE Optimum-Winapp.exe has stopped working