

This setting applies to users involved in stock Batch module and management processes. When a company purchases items with batch numbers, certain users are responsible for creating batch numbers provided by the supplier. In such cases, the system prompts these users with a pop-up screen to create the stock batch item during the Stock In process.


Conversely, other users may not need to create new batch numbers during the Stock In process because the batch numbers are already available in the system and are recurring. In this scenario, the system provides these users with a drop-down table, allowing them to select the appropriate batch number from a predefined list.

This distinction ensures that users can efficiently manage batch-related tasks based on their specific roles and responsibilities within the stock management workflow.



  1. Go to Maintenance > User Roles

  1. Go to Users to set the role to user.

  1. Go to Permission > Other Operations

Tick Allow Create Stock Batch Number

In Purchase Module, when user select the Batch Item (Item Maintenance > Batched is ticked) > System will prompt the Batch ‘Stock In’ table for creating Batch No. & Description In Purchase Module, user can create new stock number.

If user Untick Allow Create Stock Batch Number, means the user doesn’t have access right to create the batch no,

In Purchase Module, user can only select from existing batch number and cannot create new batch number. Batch ‘Stock In’ table will not pop up. 

Allow Select Stock (In) Batch Number

6. If the access right ‘Allow Selct Stock (in) Batch Number’ is ticked Tick Allow Select (In) Batch Number


In Purchase Module, after select the batch Item users can select the existing batch numbers from the drop-down table. 


7. Untick Allow Select (In) Batch Number


When users select an existing batch number, 

system will prompt an error message


Note: Batch Number Module