
Imported existing Chart Of Account to new database, when login prompt below error:


How to Connect to Database use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio: 


You may refer the link above for the knowledge base solution. 


1) Go to SSMS (Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio) find out which GL account have issue. Can refer below and run script


select * from GLAccounts where id = 'FC5F23C3-79A0-4223-ACE3-0F91803687CD'


*refer to the error message and copy the id replace 'FC5F23C3-79A0-4223-ACE3-0F91803687CD'

2) After find out is GL account code 400-1200, go to SSMS and run below script:


update glaccounts

set Id = newid()

where glaccountcode = '400-1200'


*depend on the GL account code and replace ‘400-1200’

3) After run script able to login system 


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